Pr. Agborbecheem Peter Tambi and Dr. Mvogo Mvogo Ephrem

Competency-Based Continuous Assessment Practices and Attainment of Mathematics Competence amongst Primary Six Pupils in Saa Subdivision of Cameroon

One of the challenges in primary school, as an experienced season teacher and as a researcher, is the low attainment of Mathematics competence by pupils in both classroom evaluation and the certificate evaluation as compared to others school subjects. The researchers are thus, interested in the investigation of how Competency-Based continuous assessment practices influence the attainment of Mathematics competence amongst class six pupils in Saa subdivision of Cameroon. The researchers adopted the Survey research design for this study. Saa Subdivision has a target population of 480 class six pupils for the English-speaking subsystem education of both government and lay private schools, distributed in 4 English schools. A proportional stratified random-sampling population of 320 consisting of 160 boys and 160 girls were selected. Both questionnaires for class six pupils and a Mathematics competency test were designed and administered to the respondents for data collection. The reliability coefficient of 0.84 was established using Cronbach’s alpha. Findings from the study showed that Continuous assessment practices, using the competency-based assessment, influences the attainment of Mathematics competence amongst class six pupils in Saa subdivision of Cameroon. After the statistical testing of Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis, the result was confirmed. The result of the analysis further reveals that the calculated ?xy -value of 0.30 is higher than the critical ?xy -value of 0.113 at .05 level of significance with 318 degrees of freedom. In addition, the p-value of 0.002 is lower than 0.05. With the result of this analysis, the null hypothesis was rejected. It indicates that continuous assessment practices, using the competency-based assessment improves the attainment of Mathematics competence amongst class six pupils in the Centre Region of Cameroon.

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