Introduction Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is a family of statistical methods; which currently enjoys considerable wide spread because of its capacity to test research hypotheses involving both observed and latent variables with a single model, and measure direct and indirect causal relationships among the observed and latent variables in the single model. There are two major approaches to conducting SEM analysis; Variance based SEM (also called PLS-SEM) and the Covariance based SEM. While CB-SEM estimates model parameters so that the discrepancy between the estimated and the sample covariance matrices is minimized, PLS-SEM maximizes the explained variance of the endogenous latent variables by estimating partial model relationships in an iterative sequence of ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. Despite the theoretical difference between CB-SEM and PLS-SEM, most behavioural science books based on analytical tools defined SEM exclusively as CB-SEM. This is no doubt on the low level of awareness of researchers about PLS-SEM. As a result of misconception of researchers on CB-SEM and PLS-SEM, EARNiA announces a 5-day practical short course on the use of PLS-SEM, to build behavioural science researchers capacity in exploring the analytical opportunities available in PLS-SEM. Theme PARTIAL LEAST SQUARES STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELLING: A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO PRACTICE Highlights: ? Basic concepts of SEM ? Types of SEM Models ? PLS-SEM with SmartPLS ? Hands-on-tool Practice with Sample Data ? Interpretation of Results Workshop Facilitators: Professor J. Gbenga Adewale Dr. Michael Metibemu Dr. Kunle Ayanwale Mr. Inimfon A. Antia Workshop Registration: Students with Valid ID Cards (N25,000.00) Lecturers (N35,000.00) Register online on: http://earnia.org/?p=event-reg&event-id=22 Payments: Account Name: EARNiA Account No: 0071070853 Access (Diamond) Bank Date: 26 to 30 January, 2020 Venue: Michael Opara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State For More enquiries contact: +2348033263534, +2347058539888, +2348136753269, earnia13@gmail.com

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