10th EARNiA International Conference, Nigeria 2024  Date: 17th to 22nd November, 2024 Venue: Arts Theatre, Department of Theatre Arts (Main Campus, Nwaniba) University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria

Local Organising CommitteeChairman  Prof. Mrs Mfonobong Umobong,Psychological Foundations of Education Department, University Uyo, Uyo,Nigeria. +234 (0) 8035079349e-mail: earnia13@gmai.com 
Secretary – Dr. Udeme Tommy Psychological Foundations of Education Department, University Uyo, Uyo+2348064427620e-mail: earnia13@gmai.com
Introduction The integration of technologies into all facets of human endeavours has challenged everyone to possess the appropriate digital skills required to function properly. Unfortunately, most stakeholders in Education are not practising at maximum capacity due to limitations arising from the use of Technology. To bridge these gaps, EARNiA announces her 10th International Conference on Technology-driven practices in educational assessment and research in Africa. The conference will hold in the Republic of Nigeria between the 17th and 22nd November, 2024 at the University of Uyo, Uyo Nigeria. Participants are requested to send their abstracts of not more than 200 words to earnia13@gmai.com or info@earnia.org on or before 25th October, 2024. 
1. Data management systems in assessment and research 
2. Technology-enabled learning and assessment 
3. Artificial intelligence in assessment and research practices 
4. Digital skills for technology-driven assessment and research
5. Technology-supported skills for the development of cognitive and non-cognitive instruments
6. Assessment literacy for effective teaching and learning in the school system 
Who is qualified to attend?
Participation is open to all stakeholders in all areas of education, assessment and research across Africa and beyond. All academics in African Universities, Colleges of Education, Polytechnics and staff of the Examination Units or Boards of the Ministries of Education, Public Examination Bodies, classroom teachers and Staff of Education Parastatals in Africa can participate in the conference 
Key Note Presenter: Prof. (Mrs.) Eme Udeme Joseph - Department of Psychological Foundations of Education, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom state Nigeria 
Lead Paper Presenter: Prof. Vincent Anosike Asuru - Department of Educational Psychology, Guidance & Counselling Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Rivers State Nigeria 
Chief Host: Professor Nyaudoh Ndaeyo, Vice Chancellor, University of Uyo, Uyo. 
WORKSHOP FACILITATORS: Dr. M. A. Metibemu and Others  Institute of Education, University of Ibadan 
1. Qualitative analysis
2. Use of R in IRT and SEM analysis 
3. Development and administration of online research instruments
Come with your laptop for practical   
Country Representatives  
i. Sello Editor Moyo – Botswanasellmoyo@gmail.comii. 
ii. Dr. Martha Egbe – Cameroon marthaegbe@gmail.com 
iii. Olanrewaju K. Muriana Muraina_kamilu@yahoo.com 
iv. Asamoah Gymiah – Ghana kasamoah_gymiah@ucc.edu.gh 
v. Johnson T. Hinneh – Liberia   jtekayhinneh@gmail.com 
vi. Ana Monteiro – Moçambique anapiedadem@gmail.com 
vii. Margaret Aduloju – Nigeria adumeg@gmail.com
viii. Sanni Tajudeen – South Sudan and Somalia  sanni4enviroment@gmail.com
ix. Prof. Emmanuel O. Adu – South AfricaEAdu@ufh.ac.za 
x. Dr. Celine Byukusenge - Rwanda celinebyukusenga@gmail.com
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION All intending participants (even if you are not presenting papers) are encouraged to register in advance by completing the EARNiA Conference registration form using this link www.earnia.org. 
Important DatesSubmission of Abstracts (not more than 200 words) 25th October, 2024Submission of full paper: 10th November, 2024Arrival: Sunday 17th November, 2024Conference Workshop: Monday 18th and 19th November, 2024.Opening ceremony, Keynote Address, Lead paper presentation and Syndicate Groups: Wednesday 20th November, 2024Paper presentation (Syndicate Groups) Cont.: Thursday 21st to November, 2024 Departure: Friday 22nd November, 2024 
Registration Fees Nigerians in Naira Other Nationals in USD
a. Conference Fees  Members 30,000 $120 Non-Members 45,000 $200
students with valid ID cards15,000 $70
b. Membership fees  New members10,000 $45 Old members 5,000 $30 New members (students) 5,000 $30Old members (students) 2,500 $10
c. Workshop fee Free Free
d. Assessment fee5,000 $30  
For Virtual Participation This attracts 80% of conference fees only. 
Other fees remain the same. Personal arrangement must be made to get the conference materials and journals.     
Payments Foreign participants should contact: john.agah@unn.edu.ng  
Nigerian to pay to: Account Name: Agah John JosephAccount No: 3037022872First BankEvidence of payment should be forwarded through WhatsApp to: 08130951808 
The Network has compiled the lists of hotels around and within Uyo, Nigeria. The information is directed at helping you prepare for the conference. You are requested to make your own accommodation arrangement by calling the LOC’s Chairman and Secretary. 
1. Hotel Depisces, Nwaniba Road, Uyo, +2348088233308, +23480644276202. 
2. EEMJM Hotels, 47 Dominic Utuk Avenue, Uyo, +2348064427620, +23480882333083.
3. Eliana Elio Luxury Homes, Unit N21/22 Ewet Housing Estate, Uyo, +2348088233308, +2348064427620 
SPECIAL EVENTAnnual General Meeting: 
MODES OF PRESENTATION Face to face and virtual 

Contact Us

  • Institute of Education
    University of Ibadan,
    Ibadan, Oyo State

    +234 (0) 803 326 3534